Thursday, November 24, 2011

Various Treatments of Acne Scars

People affected by acne scars losses their self esteem, feel embarrassed and depressed. The role of your genetics is essential in the development of acne scars and the harshness of its formation. The occurrence of acne scars in adulthood is a bit more severe. Acne scars might be prevented and then there are different ways for treating various types of acne scars.

The various forms of scarring include, keloid, ice picked scars and follicular macular atrophy. The most common type of that is certainly noticed in women and men is the ice picked scar. This type of scar is a result of the breakout of deep papule or possibly a cyst and it's also usually seen on the face area. As a result of overproduction of collagen, another type of acne scar occurs and that is called as keloid. This can be commonly seen on man's torso. Another kind of acne scar which is that comes with the upper arms is termed follicular macular atrophy. This kind of scar can last indefinitely.

By seeking early medical intervention reduces your chances of scarring. Delaying the relief of acne can result in more serious acne scars. Over the counter medications such as topical creams lotions and gels are among your alternatives to relieve your acne. These medications could be effective when used properly and consistently. It's a good idea to seek the recommendation of your dermatologist when these topical medications aren't effective to correctly treat it.

There are several types of acne cure also it depends on the size, depth and shape of it. Financial factor may affect your method of dealing with your acne for many treatments would demand a vast amounts. Minor scars are generally treated by chemical peels. Ablative, non ablative and yellow pulse dye laser are among the most common kind of methods for treating acne. This process has proven its success in treating it but it can be expensive. Saucer shaped acne are treated by filler substance and results may last between three to six months. Ice picked scars are commonly treated through Micro dermabrasion and punch excision. Other forms of acne scar treatment are subcision and dermabrasion.

It is usually essential to seek early advice from a dermatologist to properly treat your scar. It's not true that acne scars cannot be removed. The acne scar treatments stated earlier are proof that acne scars can usually be treated. Those are the outcome of dermatological innovations that may definitely offer you solutions to your acne scar problems.

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