Acne when not treated effectively would develop to acne scars. These small wounds from pricking of pimples, or perhaps infections would go worsen as years go by as skin loses its elasticity as we grow older, thus leaves acne scar in our skin. The most typical Types of Acne Scars were defined as ice pick scars, rolling scars, boxcar scars and hypertrophic scars. These several kinds of Acne Scars have corresponding Acne scar treatments that have been developed or produced to accommodate a scar type. Discussed here are the types of Acne Scars and Acne scar treatment.
Ice-pick Acne Scar
Ice pick acne scars seem like it's been pierced by an ice pick thus the name continues to be derived. Their appearances are often seen on the face attributable to breakout of a cyst or deep papule that leaves a clear small hole. The more often ones to touch are deeper and those which are soft to touch are usually more superficial. A punch tool has been useful to cut the scar from the skin. This is known as the punch technique.
Boxcar scar or Chickenpox Scars
Boxcar scar or Chickenpox scars are large scars with sharp margins with steep sides. Dermabond is used by dermatologists to elevate the base to surface of the skin. A punch elevation way is used in treating this sort of acne scar which excises the base of your skin.
Rolling scars
Rolling scars varies in length as well as their shallow and wide depth gives a wave like or rolling appearance. These scars appear longer when compared to other kinds of acne scars. Subscision is just about the recommended methods in treating rolling scars. Other options are Dermabrasion, chemical injections of collagen and laser resurfacing.
Hypertrophic Scars or Thickened Scars
Hypertrophic or thickened scars these are often mistaken as keloids. Although much like keloids, it really is different because it does not multiply and grow larger. Due to increased tissue formation, in addition to excess production of collagen in the skin, hypertrophic or thickened scars occur. Laser scar revision using pulsed dye laser technology is one of the methods in treating hypertrophic scars.
Acne scars affect a person’s life and may cause depression and results to low self esteem. Technology innovations made it viable to find solutions for treating acne scars. These acne scar treatments to several types of acne scars are simply around the corner. Eventually, choosing the right treatment will allow you to overcome depression and raise your self confidence.
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